Author of Best Selling Book

Project Manager

The Healthy Project Coach

I would like to begin by saying thank you.

I am honored that you are considering me to serve your audience at your next event and I am excited by the possibility of us working together.
We put this page together to assist you in your decision-making process. In order to make things easy, the information provided here will help you understand how we have worked with other clients in the past. Regardless of whether your event is live, in-person, virtual or pre-recorded we have a solution for you.
As a healthy project coach my philosophy is to be a joy to work with, care for your audience, give them what they need, deliver on value, and make your life as easy as possible.
Please read over the material knowing I’m happy to accommodate your company’s special requests.
Cathy Dolan Schweitzer an author, trainer, project manager, and is known as The Healthy Project Coach.
Cathy helps professionals in the A/E/C industry build the skills to become people centered leaders who then can lead teams with health, creativity and innovation as key metrics for keeping our country’s economy strong and healthy. This attitude allows both men and women to contribute their unique skills and talents together so that everyone in the organization thrives.
What My Clients Have To Say

Kathleen Silard
President and CEO at Stamford Hospital
incorporating healthcare design and construction into outcomes that will achieve a superior healing environment for patients. Having seen Ms. Dolan’s
project management theories and skills bring several projects to fruition, confirms that thoughtful and informed planning is impactful in effecting good outcomes for patient care.”

Ana Tracy Hawkins
session with her. I would highly recommend Cathy if you are looking to improve morale, leadership, and productivity.”

Susan Labas
van Zelm Engineering, Connecticut Professional Women in Construction
For our audience of over 200 industry professionals, Cathy provided clear and compelling facilitation as she and her panel chronicled the joys, benefits, and challenges women encounter in forging new paths in a previously male dominated industry. Her demonstrated knowledge, communication skills, and leadership qualities will undoubtedly ensure Cathy’s success.”
Download the E-Book – Who are You
Inside I have questions that will help you expand on your personal brand to help excel your career.
Podcast Interview with Cathy


with Laura Barnard

Soft As Steel
with Dennis Doran
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Cathy Dolan Schweitzer Bio
Building People
Who Build Better Projects
Cathy helps professionals in the A/E/C industry build the skills to become people centered leaders who then can lead teams with health, creativity and innovation as key metrics for keeping our country’s economy strong and healthy. This attitude allows both men and women to contribute their unique skills and talents together so that everyone in the organization thrives.
Cathy believes that companies today are made up of teams and “healthy” teams are the fuel that drives organizations to deliver on their strategy. A team’s collective wisdom and experience impacts communities, people’s health and the planet while still maintaining profitability. “Healthy” leaders have the skills and tools to corral groups of passionate and smart people who can work together to make a difference.
From the virtual world to the stage Cathy is a teacher at heart and combines her twenty-six years of experience in healthcare and commercial project management with a MA in Experiential Health and Healing. From a young age health has always been a priority for Cathy. She has a keen understanding of how poor health affects ones’ perspective and performance. Her goal is to motivate teams to plan for the health of people and the planet while maintaining or exceeding performance objectives. She creates inspirational programs that include the power of people centered leadership, the importance of positive mental wellness, healthy collaboration, connection, caring and listening to your team.
Cathy was a founding co-chair of the Professional Women in Construction Professional Development (PDAC) and is a member of National Speakers Association NYC. Cathy is married with two children, Julia and Alexa, her granddaughter Emerson, Cali (the dog) and has one foot in Vermont and the other in NY.