What leadership styles are you attracted to?

What leadership styles are you attracted to?

I have a friend who is job hunting and hell-bent on working for a company with a great culture. I asked her to name two extraordinary leaders and what she values in their leadership style. She asked me why? I believe identifying extraordinary leaders and their style...

Creating A Personal Brand

Creating A Personal Brand

As explained in the prior blog, members who attended Turner construction’s “Make Your Mark” event featuring Cathy Dolan Schweitzer learned the importance of staying open and connected with your team through the sharing of unique skills and qualities. Along with...

Who Are You?

Who Are You?

Almost everyone knows what an elevator pitch is. Generally, when we talk about an elevator pitch we tend to bring up things about ourselves such as where we went to school, current jobs, previous jobs, etc. Essentially, the professionally more bound upside. As many of...

People Centered Leadership on a Day to Day Basis

People Centered Leadership on a Day to Day Basis

In the last blog, I talked about my granddaughter Emerson, and the learning curve that her dog, and her mother were experiencing to ensure a healthy safe relationship. The main takeaways were the importance of having caring teammates, and that you as a team leader...

Building Relationships that Build Better Projects

Building Relationships that Build Better Projects

The other day I was watching my granddaughter, Emerson play with her dog Oden. The two are building a relationship for life. My granddaughter is 8 months old and Oden is a year and a half old. Julia, Emerson’s Mom knows the importance of this relationship and the...

Forming Ideal Relationships in the Workplace

Forming Ideal Relationships in the Workplace

Ideal relationships are the key to keeping us happy in the workplace. Recently, I have been immersing myself in the idea of a coaching culture. Doing this, I have realized how neoteric of a concept it has been in so many workplaces despite the simplicity of its...

New Delivery Practices That Are Impacting Projects

New Delivery Practices That Are Impacting Projects

They say that construction is slow to change. While that may be true, new ways of managing and delivering construction projects are starting to filter through and make an impact on the way we design and build projects. After all, if you do what you’ve always done,...

How to Work Effectively With Healthcare Administrators

How to Work Effectively With Healthcare Administrators

When you are busy delivering a healthcare project, it can feel like there are too many activities and stakeholders demanding your attention. However, there is one stakeholder who is critical to the success of the project – the healthcare administrator. They have an...