Building a New Persona for Women in Project Management

Building a New Persona for Women in Project Management

Building a New Persona for Women in Project Management

In our everyday life both professionally and personally we use project management skills. They give us the ability to break down projects and or events into manageable tasks, develop schedules and budgets. One of the most overlooked skill sets needed in both project management and leadership are soft skills. We get hired for our hard skills (technical/experience) and we get fired for our soft skills (not able to get along with people).

Have you ever thought about your perceptions, intentions and the unseen forces that influence the culture of our workplace? How do we transform the culture of our workplace? All of us in the construction industry face many challenges including earning respect, solving problems, and managing the people dynamics. Change begins with us, our soft skills, intentions and how we show up.

Join us in this 60-minute interactive, role-playing program that allow each person the ability to enhance their soft skills, by building human connection, strong relationships, and empowering supportive environments. Our future workplace will rely on soft skills to harness the full potential of our changing industry dynamic, which will benefit clients, communities, and society more broadly.

Objectives and Outcomes:

  1. Identify actions and decisions we make automatically, without conscious thought. Because self-awareness and having a positive, creative mindset impact your career and success.
  2. Deepen an understanding of soft skills and the contributions to the leadership of a successful team. Because connection and relationship building are paramount to building trust with your team
  3. Learn how to build a mindset that defines you as a valued project management leader. Because a strong persona exudes confidence without being arrogant, projecting a sense of self-assuredness.